In this article, a project of installing a truck scale in Afghanistan is explained. Before writing about the project’s procedure and details, some information about industries in Afghanistan are given to understand how a truck scale can facilitate the process happened in these industries.
At the confluence of Central Asia and South Asia is the landlocked nation of Afghanistan. It is referred to as the” Heart of Asia” and shares borders with China to the north and east, Iran and Turkmenistan in the west and northwest, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, respectively.
The country imports goods worth more than $6 billion and exports goods valued around $1 billion which include nuts, fruits and gold. The country has huge mineral deposits valued at over $41 trillion of proven reserves. Here are the largest industries in Afghanistan:
Mining Industry
Massive non-fuel mineral reserves exist in Afghanistan, and they contain both known and possible deposits of a variety of minerals, including rare earth metals, iron, copper, lithium, bauxite, silver, among others. According to reports from 2020, Afghanistan has about$ 1 trillion worth of untapped mineral deposits, which is enough to fundamentally alter the country’s economy. Other sources claim that Afghanistan’s total mineral reserves could be worth more than$ 3 trillion. Large veins of golden, cobalt, copper, iron, and lithium are among the formerly undiscovered deposits.

Truck scale is a necessary equipment for mining industry as it helps miners calculate the amount of extractions. Truck scale indicator and software can play the role of data collector in mining sites. Therefore, it makes reporting as easy as clicking a couple of icons in computer.
Only 6 % of Afghanistan’s total land area is currently used for cultivation; only about 12 % of it is arable. The nation’s agricultural output is just a small portion of what it could be, and it is constrained by an excessive reliance on chaotic winter snow and spring rain.
The area near Herat, Kandahar, and the majority of the Kabul plains, for example, produce a variety of fruits, whereas the northern regions, such as the provinces of Takhar and Helmand, mostly produce cotton. Corn is widely cultivated in Nangarhar and Paktia regions, while rice is cultivated in Laghman, Baghlan, and Kunduz regions. In Afghanistan, grains is a significant crop that is widely grown in various areas and accounts for 80 % of the nation’s cereal production. The total amount of wheat produced in 2002 was 2.69 million tons, or 67 % more than in 2001. Barley, corn, grain potatoes, and cotton are some of the other significant crops grown in the nation. Agriculture-related products made up almost 53 % of the nation’s total exports in 2001.
The diversity of agricultural productions makes Afghanistan one of the main source for its neighbors in central Asia. For exporting these products, truck scale is installed at all big farms, which export their products.
Installation of a pit-less truck scale in Afghanistan
We, at Pand Caspian Company has installed many truck scales in neighbors’ countries. This one is installed in Kabul, which is capital of Afghanistan.
There is one of the main industrial zone around this city. The variation of businesses are from food packaging to refining mineral metals.

This city is the center of all international trades and businesses, it is clear that truck scale is used for many purposes.
This truck scale is installed in one of the refining mineral metals sites. Caspian pit-less truck scale does not need a deep excavation. Preparing the places where load cells will be installed is enough.
This step is done by buyers based on the map sent by our technicians in Tehran.
This truck scale maximum capacity is 60 tons, which it means two platform in size 3*8 m should be sent to Kabul (the final size in 3*16 m).
After that, two metal platforms are fixed along each other, which is called mechanical installation. Crane puts these two platforms at the right place, where is prepared for load cells.
Next, load cells are installed under platforms. In this step, 8 load cells are installed, each platform has 4 stands for load cell. Cabling is the next step of installation. All this implementations are known as electrical installation.
Finally, the pit-less truck scale is evaluated by weighing some different cargos. At this step, the functionality of truck scale is the purpose of evaluation.
Be informed that this Caspian pit0less model needs ramps.
Advantages of having this truck scale in your business
At this project, all steps are done just in a day, and truck scale was ready to be used after installation. High installation speed makes this model as one of the main demanding truck scales.
Installing two side metal guards protects vehicles while they are weighing. This feature is necessary for the areas with high precipitation.
Easy access to load cells form both platform sides makes the service and maintenance handy. Truck scale technicians do not need to go into excavation pit for reaching load cells.