Indicator is a display that shows weight. Functionality of the indicator distinguishes them from each other. The quality of the electrical components and screen used in indicators are the most important components of them. Indicator is one of the most important equipment used in truck scale weighing ecosystem as ultimately the operation of all other components must be shown by indicator. This valuable equipment can comply with any scale or weighing equipment to provide easy digital viewing in almost any setting, indoors or outdoors.
different types of indicator
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications of PU850 Digital Weight Indicator
- Bright, static-resistant LCD display with functional visual icons
- Each menu is equipped with a bright white LED backlight
- LED display with 7 large and bright segments (with isolated power supply and resistant to static electricity to eliminate noise)
- The Ability of displaying weight simultaneously on two LCD and LED displays
- Dust-proof membrane keyboard with 60 keys (IP55) according to internal ASCII standard, bilingual (Persian / English)
- Display of date, time and weight on LCD screen
- English/Persian bilingual with automatic date change from Solar Hijri calendar to Gregorian calendar when changing device language
- Insert the list of goods with their codes with the ability of printing and track based on the code or name of goods during weighing
- Insert the list of machines with their codes
- Insert the list of operators (20 operators) and their password and the ability of editing for the manager
- The capability of defining 400 products
- The capability of defining 400 car numbers
- One-step and two-step load weighing capability
- Ability of displaying and determining the amount of net weight before printing the bill (during two-step weighing)
- Insert date, time, name, address, vehicle number, driver’s name, bill serial number, row, unit price, total price, volume, origin and destination, empty, full and net weight, operator name, price rate, weighing wage on the scale bill
- High-speed 8 GB MICRO SD memory
- Daily reporting according to goods and any type of registered car number (by the person in charge)
- Ability to use electricity and smart internal battery when the power is disconnected (smart UPS)
- The ability to save and reprint or unprinted bills when the power is disconnected or the printer is not ready
- Advanced and fast accurate calibration
- RS232 serial port to connect to computer and optional devices
- RS485 port to connect to digital load cell (OPTIONAL)
- The ability to calculate the volume of cargo based on the weight of cubic meters (calculation of the volume of concrete, sand, liquids, etc.)
- Equipped with dual-core hardware to increase the performance of the device compared to other products in the market
- It has a help menu (HELP) for training of manager and operators
- Advanced 24 BIT A to D equipped with an optical isolation circuit (to eliminate noise), a very high linear accuracy factor and equipped with smart digital hardware and software filters and reducing the physical effects of the environment on the accuracy of weight display
- USB port for connecting optional devices such as USB memory and laser printers connected to the display device
Technical Specifications of PU750+ Digital Weight Indicator
- Bright, static-resistant LCD display with functional visual icons
- Each menu is equipped with a bright white LED backlight
- The Ability of displaying weight simultaneously on two LCD and LED displays
- Dust-proof membrane keyboard with 60 keys (IP55) according to internal ASCII standard, bilingual (Persian / English)
- Display of date, time and weight on LCD screen
- English/Persian bilingual with automatic date change from Solar Hijri calendar to Gregorian calendar when changing device language
- Insert the list of goods with their codes with the ability of printing and track based on the code or name of goods during weighing
- Insert the list of machines with their codes
- Insert the list of operators (20 operators) and their password and the ability of editing for the manager
- The capability of defining 400 products
- The capability of defining 400 car numbers
- One-step and two-step load weighing capability
- Ability of displaying and determining the amount of net weight before printing the bill (during two-step weighing)
- Insert date, time, name, address, vehicle number, driver’s name, bill serial number, row, unit price, total price, volume, origin and destination, empty, full and net weight, operator name, price rate, weighing wage on the scale bill
- High-speed 8 GB MICRO SD memory
- Daily reporting according to goods and any type of registered car number (by the person in charge)
- The ability to save and reprint or unprinted bills when the power is disconnected or the printer is not ready
- Advanced and fast accurate calibration
- RS232 serial port to connect to computer and optional devices
- RS485 port to connect to digital load cell (OPTIONAL)
- The ability to calculate the volume of cargo based on the weight of cubic meters (calculation of the volume of concrete, sand, liquids, etc.)
- Equipped with dual-core hardware to increase the performance of the device compared to other products in the market
- It has a help menu (HELP) for training of manager and operators
- Advanced 24 BIT A to D equipped with an optical isolation circuit (to eliminate noise), a very high linear accuracy factor and equipped with smart digital hardware and software filters and reducing the physical effects of the environment on the accuracy of weight display
Design and Options of Indicator
The design of the electrical board of a truck scale indicator and the way it reads weight from load cells are sensitive matters that is programmed by the electronics department at PandCaspian Co. In addition, the connectivity of indicators to a computer or a printer is another functional part of an indicator.
One of the most important elements in an indicator is being designed user-friendly. All indicators designed in PandCaspian Co. have really easy navigation to facilitate the process of weighing.
All menus are designed in such a way that a user can learn working with in a short time. To customize the functionality of indicators, they are designed and produced with simple and understandable language.
Indicators are also classified based on their options. The indicator which has more weighing options will improve the performance of a weighbridge. Indicators are produced by PandCaspian Co. provide a wide range of functionality; control the process of weighing and data transfer to management office.
Another prominent feature of indicators is their ability of being connected to second and third remote displays.
Where Pandcaspian indicator could be used?
Our weight indicators can be used with a wide range of scales and are fully compatible with weighing software used in a truck scale weighing system. PandCaspian’s weight indicators service a variety of industries, from food industry and medical to petrochemical and agricultural weighing applications.
The location of setting up an indicator in a weighing system can be changed according to the place allocated to truck scale. It is possible to install the weight indicator outdoor and indoor.
Maintenance and Guaranty of Indicator
The maintenance of the indicator in all stages of using is really sensitive, pay attention to the things that may reduce the accuracy of the performance. In user manual booklet all safety and correct maintenance of an indicator are explained for users.
The indicator produced by PandCaspian Co. to be used in a truck scale have approval of European and East Asian standards. Therefore, customers can purchase a truck scale display with confidence.
In addition, Indicators have guaranty and after-sales service. We assure you that we will be in all process of using Pandcaspian’s indicators from the moment of buying to the time indicator works.
We will provide technical support in the form of training and troubleshooting.
We are pleased to help you find the best solution for your weighing needs. Our experts will respond to you in shortest time.